ProjectCenter FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions


PC is an abbreviation for ProjectCenter.

Using custom text editors with ProjectCenter?

Why a custom text editor? Let's face it, PC's built-in text editor is lacking features many programmers have come to expect in an IDE such as 'syntax highlighting' and 'auto indentation'. After all, PC's focus is to manage a project and not edit source files. The basic idea here is one chooses a custom editor to work on the files.

General Strategy

First one must tell PC which command invokes the custom text editor. Navigate to the PC > Info > Preferences Menu. When the window appears, change the pulldown to Miscellaneous. There you'll find the Editor preference, which by default is set to 'ProjectCenter'. Change this value to reflect the location of a custom editor.


In short, tell emacs to start a server on startup that allows it to share editing contexts.

  • First add the line '(server-start)' to your ~/.emacs file. You may skip this but you'll have to manually issue this command everytime you start emacs. Below is an example of how to do this using the shell.
echo '(server-start)' >> ~/.emacs
  • Launch Emacs. Checking the *messages* buffer should show that the server has started.
  • Set the Editor Preference in PC to the location of your `emacsclient` (see General Strategy above) and tell it to not wait around for the buffer to exit.
/usr/bin/emacsclient -n
  • Click a file in PC and it should appear in the buffer in your emacs client.

Again, make sure that emacs is running before you open the file in PC. `emacsclient` doesn't have the ability to create a new emacs server, only connect to an existing one. It's done this way versus using plain old `emacs` to prevent multiple instances of 'foo.h' being open.


Possible values for Editor in the Preferences window. Be sure to prefix with the location of `nc`.

nc  --noask

On Debian :

nedit-nc --noask