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Class / method | MacOS X version | Status | Comments |
CIColor Additions | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
CIImage Additions | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSActionCell | 10.0 | Looks Good | |
NSAffineTransform Additions | 10.0 | Looks Good | |
NSAlert / alertWithError | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSAnimation | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSAppleScript Addition | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / activateIgnoringOtherApps | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | The app is always activated unconditionally |
NSApplication / runModalForWindow relativeToWindow | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | Currently just centers window on the screen |
NSApplication / beginModalSessionForWindow relativeToWindow | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / runModalSession | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | Apple's docs state that, before processing the events, it makes the session window key and orders the window front. This method does not attempt to do this because: 1) we don't want to interfere with use of other apps during modal session for this app; 2) occasionally other windows are active and should be usable during modal sessions (e.g., a popup dialog from a modal window); 3) most of the time beginModalSessionForWindow will have been called in advance. If the latter is not the case, you may need to order the window front yourself in advance. |
NSApplication / beginSheet modalForWindow modalDelegate didEndSelector contextInfo | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | Under GNUstep, the sheet aspect is not implemented (just centers window on the screen), but modalDelegate didEndSelector is called if both non-nil. |
NSApplication / endSheet | 10.0 | ? | |
NSApplication / endSheet returnCode | 10.0 | ? | |
NSApplication / preventWindowOrdering | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / hide | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | On OS X this activates the next app that is running, however on GNUstep this is up to the window manager |
NSApplication / orderedDocuments | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / orderedWindows | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | OS X scripting method to return windows in front-to-back on-screen order for scriptable windows. The GNUstep implementation returns all the windows excluding NSPanels. some backends may return an array in an unspecified order. |
NSApplication / cancelUserAttentionRequest | 10.1 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / requestUserAttention | 10.1 | Not Implemented | |
NSApplication / replyToOpenToPrint | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSArrayController | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSATSTypesetter | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBezierPath / appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSBezierPath / getLineDash count phase | 10.0 | ? | FIXME: How big is the pattern array? |
NSBezierPath / stroke | 10.0 | ? | FIXME: I don't see how this should work with color changes |
NSBezierPath / fill | 10.0 | ? | FIXME: I don't see how this should work with color changes |
NSBitmapImageRep / colorizeByMappingGray toColor blackMapping whiteMapping | 10.0 | Behaves Differently | Does nothing |
NSBitmapImageRep / initWithBitmapDataPlanes pixelsWide pixelsHigh bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel hasAlpha isPlanar colorSpaceName bitmapFormat bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / initForIncrementalLoad | 10.2 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / bitmapFormat | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / representationOfImageRepsInArray usingType properties | 10.0 | ? | FIXME: returns only the first image in the array, and only works for NSBitmapImageRep or subclasses thereof. |
NSBitmapImageRep / incrementalLoadFromData complete | 10.2 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / colorAtX Y | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / setColorAtX Y | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / getPixel atX y | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBitmapImageRep / setPixel atX y | 10.4 | Not Implemented | |
NSBox / boxType | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSBox / setBoxType | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSBox / setTitle | 10.0 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / displayColumn | 10.0 | ? | FIXME: why the following? Are we displaying now, or marking for later display?? Given the name, I think we are displaying now. |
NSBrowser / titleheight | 10.0 | ? | Nextish look requires 21 here ( hardcode ) |
NSBrowser / frameOfInsideOfColumn | 10.0 | ? | xxx what does this one do? |
NSBrowser / columnContentWidthForColumnWidth | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / columnWidthForColumnContentWidth | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / setColumnResizing | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / columnResizingType | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / setPrefersAllColumnUserResizing | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / prefersAllColumnUserResizing | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / setWidth ofColumn | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / widthOfColumn | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / setColumnsAutoSaveName | 10.3 | Not Implemented | I cannot find setColumnsAutoSave at Apple's docs, but I can find setColumnsAutoSaveName. Martin 06:59, 17 March 2007 (CET) |
NSBrowser / columnAutoSaveName | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser / removeSavedColumnsWithAutosaveName | 10.3 | Not Implemented | |
NSBrowser delegate / browser shouldSizeColumn forUserResize toWidth | 10.3 | Not Implemented |
TODO wiki that