Revision as of 09:53, 14 December 2007 by Hns (talk | contribs) (→SWK Browser (running on MacOS X 10.4))
(for further editing)
- originated in mySTEP
- is completely written in Objective-C (1.0) so that it can be compiled on any system
- aims at providing the most popular documented methods of Full WebKit for the classes WebView, WebFrame, WebDataSource, etc.
- aims at rendering (X)HTML as well as possible (but not perfectly)
- is work in heavy progress - so expect larger changes throughout the whole project
- is used in the Web Browser application for GNUstep
Features of the Subversion (SVN) trunk code:
- parses (X)HTML into a DOM tree
- renders approx. 50% of the HTML 4.0 tags in a reasonable way (e.g. < font color="#667788">, < center>, < h2>, works)
- makes <a> links clickable and processes them
- loads <img>, is prepared for<script> etc. i.e. loads them as subresources
- is prepared to handle <frame>
- is prepared to handle <form>
- has an ECMAScript engine that parses 90% of the syntax and evaluates expressions (missing are Statements and the native Objects including "document", "window", "event" etc.)
- properly handle < table>, < ul> etc.
- really process forms and POST results
- properly compile and run <script>
- completion of the ECMAScript engine
- all CSS processing
SWK Browser
SWK Browser is part of the SimpleWebKit project and more or less a test bed for it, although it has most features of a full browser. These are
- multiple documents
- shows (X)HTML, Images etc.
- can show page source code
- can show activities (i.e. subresources)
- can show a DOM Tree inspector
- has a JavaScript console
We have compiled Simple WebKit and SWK Browser with Cocoa so that it runs natively on a Mac.
Download it here: [1]
Some first screen shots (made from SWK Browser on a Mac)
File:SimpleWebKit Example 1.png
How it Works
1. the WebView
- is the master view object and there is only one per browser (or browser tab)
- it holds the mainFrame which represents either the normal <body> or the top level <frame> or <frameset>
- if there is a <frameset> hierarchy, there are additional child WebFrames
2. the WebFrame
- is repsonsible for loading and rendering content from a specific URL
- it uses a WebDataSource to trigger loading and get callbacks
- it is also the owner of the DOMDocument tree
- JavaScript statements are evaluated in a frame context
- it is also the target of user clicks on links since it knows the base URL (through the WebDataSource)
3. the WebDataSource
- is responsible for loading data from an URL
- it may cache data and handle/synchronize loading fo subresources (e.g. for an embedded <img> tag)
- it translates the request and the response URLs
- it provides an estimated content length (for a progress indicator) and the MIMEType of the incoming data stream
- as soon as the header comes in a WebDocomentRepresentation is created and incoming segments are notified
- it also collects the incoming data, so that a WebDocomentRepresentation can handle either segments or the collected data
4. the WebDocumentRepresentation(s)
- there is one for each MIME type (the WebView provides a mapping database)
- it is responsible for parsing the incoming data stream (either completely when finished, or partially)
- and provide a better suitable representation, e.g. an NSImage or a DOMHTMLTree
- finally, it creates a WebDocumentView as the child of the WebView and attaches it to the WebFrame as the -webFrameView
- so, if you want to handle an additional MIME type, write a class that conforms to the WebDocumentRepresentation protocol
5. the DOMHTMLTree
- is only for HTML content
- is (re)built each time a new segment of HTML data comes in
- any change in the DOMHTMLTree is notified to the WebDocumentView (or one of its subviews) by setNeedsLayout
6. the WebDocumentView(s) an its subviews
- are responsible for displaying the contents of its WebDataRepresentation
- either HTML, Images, PDF or whatever (e.g. SVG, XML, ...)
- they gets notified about changes either by updates of the WebDataSource (-dadaSourceUpdated:) or directly (-setNeedsLayout:)
- if one needs layout, it must go to the DOM Tree to find out what has changed and update its size, content, children, layout etc.
- this is a little tricky/risky since the -layout method is called within -drawRect: - so changing e.g. the View frame is very critical and may result in drawing glitches
- for HTML, we do a simple trick: the WebDocumentView is an NSTextView and the DOMHTMLTree objects can be traversed to return an attributedString with embedded Tables and NSTextAttachments
7. the JavaScript engine
- is programmed according to the specificaion of [[2] ECMA-262]
- uses a simple recursive stateless parser (could be optimized in stack useage and speed by a state-table driven approach)
- parses the script into a Tree representation in a first step
- then, evaluates the expressions and statements according to the current environement
- this allows to store scripts in translated form and reevaluate them when needed (e.g. on mouse events)
- uses Foundation for basic types (string, number, boolean, null)
- uses WebScriptObject as the base Object representation
- DOMObjects are a subclass of WebScriptObjects and therefore provide bridging, so that changing a DOMHTML tree element through JavaScript automativally triggers the appropriate WebDocumentView notification