Internationalisation (or localisation) touches:
- Input - how a user writes a text
- Presentation (or output) - how a text is presented to the user
- Aids - writing aids and processing mechanisms with and without user interaction
- Localisation of user interface
Related informations
Input method standards and implementations:
- X11 Input Method (XIM) system(old documentation)
- Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework (IIIMF) is a new input management system from the same people who brought you XIM (project information)
- UIM is an embeddable C library providing input methods and is widely ported UIM wiki
- kinput2 is a Japanese input server for XIM homepage
- vertical text layout
- bidi text layout
- opentype support
- CSS3 Text Module
- NSTextView
- Typesetters
- Opentype supports
- Word hyphenation
- Word segmentation
- NSTextInput protocol
- NSInputManager
- Spell-checking NSSpellChecker
I'm trying to form a gnustep-i18n team and list all relevant subjects. If you are experienced in this field, please help.
- what input method(s) GNUstep currently uses and for what backend? How?
Correct me if I were wrong. Currently we use XIM that only available in back-x11. Many input systems, eg. IIIMF, kinput2 have their own XIM bridges. Do we have those pop-up helpers with XIM yet?
- what output method(s) is used? How? Why?
- what aids are available? how they are backed? (for example, what spellchecking backend is used and how
The spellchecker uses libaspell for its backend