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The NSWindow class creates a drawing surface and fills the background based on its style mask.

XIB Fields

N.B. Unarchiver class = NSWindowTemplate

Name Type Description
NSWindowStyleMask int A bitmask that is interpreted by the window to select it's style. Values
NSWindowBacking enum NSBackingStoreType : int Retained,Non-Retained,Buffered
NSWindowRect NSRect The initial window size.
NSWTFFlags int A bitmask, don't know what it does.
NSWindowTitle NSString What is the shown in the window titlebar.
NSWindowClass NSString The type of window the template represents.
NSViewClass NSString The name of the class backing the window's content area
NSWindowContentMaxSize NSSize Self explanitory.
NSWindowContentMinSize NSSize Self explanitory.
NSMinSize NSSize Seems to apply to the content view rather than the window.
NSMaxSize NSSize Seems to apply to the content view rather than the window.
NSScreenRect NSRect The screen size on which the view was encoded(used for scaling), should probably be an NSSize, but don't argue with Apple, or compatability issues will arise.

See Also