The following is the current (as of December 27, 2006) list of direct dependencies for GNUstep.
Note :
- some of these dependencies are dependent of each other (e.g. tiff requires jpeg, and libungif requires freetype2)
- each of these dependencies may require additional libraries, which are not listed here
- the given names may not accurately reflect the actual package name as provided by your system
- GCC with ObjC support -- preferably version 4.x, 2.95 minimum (with gnustep-supllied libobjc)
- GNU make -- called gmake or gnumake on some systems
- gdb -- for debugging
- Window Maker -- this would install a lot of dependencies beforehand
- GNUstep-make
- libffi-dev (libffi) currently recommended default or ffcall -- stack-frame handling
Recommended development kit dependencies
- libxml2-dev (xml2) -- for XML-based property-lists
- libxslt1-dev (xslt) -- for style sheet support for use with XML
- libgnutls-dev (gnutls) -- for Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0) On Ubuntu and debian this will automatically pull in libgcrypt11-dev, liggpg-error-dev, and libtasn1-3-dev
- libssl-dev (openssl) -- for HTTPS connections in NSURL
The recommended and optional development kit packages in Debian and Ubuntu will pull in the compiled libraries for you as a dependancy. Selecting only the run-time library will generate a configure warning. If you continue with 'make', then the noted library functionalities will be missing in your final executable.
The remaining references give only the typical library name.
- libiconv -- Unicode support, only install if not provided by your system. Note the GNU 'C' library (libc6-dev) provides the required functionality on all recent GNU/Linux systems
- libgmp -- arbitrary precision arithmetic -run 'make check' if building yourself to assure you are getting appropriate results.
- libgnutls -- provides Transport Layer Security -- TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols (libgnutls-dev)
- libbfd -- universal "Binary File Descriptor" library, part of GNU binutils
- mDNSResponder -- for Bonjour service discovery, as implemented by NSNetServices and NSNetServiceBrowser Search for libavahi under Ubuntu and Debian for the equivalent. See for additional details.
Selecting libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev in Ubuntu or debian will automatically add libavahi-client-dev, libavahi-common-dev,libdbus-1-dev development kits.
- GNUstep-base
- tiff -- Tag Image File Format (TIFF) support for image data
In Ubuntu and Debian the development kit libtiff4-dev automatically pulls in libjpeg62-dev and libtiffxx0c2.
- jpeg -- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) lossy image data compression support
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libjpeg62-dev development kit.
- png -- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) support
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libpng12-dev development kit.
- libungif -- for reading and writing GIF images
In Ubuntu and Debian are transitioning to the libgif-dev instead of the older libungif4-dev development kit.
- aspell -- spell checking
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libaspell-dev development kit.
- cups-base -- printing
In Ubuntu and Debian install libcups2-dev will automatically pull in comerr-dev, libkadm55, libkrb5-dev development kits.
- libicns-dev for manipulation of the MacOS icns resource format. This development kit in Ubuntu and Debian will pull in the libicns1 library.
- libaudiofile -- sound
- portaudio -- sound, needs at least portaudio-v19
In Ubuntu and Debian installing portaudio19-dev will automatically pull in libasound2-dev, libfreebob0, libjack-dev, libjack0, libjack0.100.0-dev, libportaudio2 development kits.
GNUstep-back currently supports three separate back-ends (xlib, art and cairo). Windows currently uses its own default backend.
Required for all back-ends
- GNUstep-gui
Required for X11 back-ends
- [ libxt-dev] --development kit for X11 toolkit intrinsics library
In Ubuntu and Debian installing the libxt-dev development kit will automatically pull in libice-dev, libsm-dev
Recommended for all X11 back-ends
- libXft -- Freetype based font drawing API This changes the anti-aliasing of fonts over the default methods.
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libxft-dev development kit.
As above.
- freetype2 -- TrueType font rendering engine
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libfreetype6-dev development kit.
- libart_lgpl2 -- 2D graphics supporting
In Ubuntu and Debian install the libart-2.0-dev development kit.
Required .
- cairo -- PDF 1.4 imaging model
Optional Cairo supports multiple output devices.
- glitz -- OpenGL image compositing library
In Ubuntu and Debian installing the libglitz-glx1-dev development kit will pull in libgl1-mesa-dev, libglitz1-dev, mesa-common-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev
- TeTeX / texi2pdf -- if you want to create the API documentation
- texi2html